My father William

This is a blog about my father, William Foster Gillian and the legends he created during his life. We, the children have such great memories of an amazing life, because of him and my mother, Virginia Rose Gruszka Gillian. I want to tell of the stories and folktales of my family, for we have no next generation. I hope I can do justice to my father, for he was an amazing story teller. Thank you for your precious time spent reading this blog!

Location: United States

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Virginia awoke sunday morning, and went off to church, as all good Polish Catholic girls do, with her parents. Yes, she complained about her poor treatment on her blind date. Yes, she admitted she had a great time playing cards with him and their friends. Yes, she admitted she even liked him. No, she was not going to see him again! After all, he made her walk everywhere last night in her high heels! When mass was over, she headed off to a group picnic, to spend the afternoon with friends.

While she enjoyed a refreshing beverage, bemoaning her date to sympathetic girlfriends, she spied a group of women surrounding a man juggling. They were laughing and talking, having such fun. Just before she went over to join in the frivolity, she recognized the center of attention. Yes, it was William. My father always knew how to entertain people. I was raised being mystified by slight of hand. He knew how to make anyone feel part of the group. Yes, she snubbed him, though they exchanged glances. My father figured "oh well", and went on amusing his bevey of beauties, having a great old time.

As she stood against a tree, with her clique of friends, a young man she and William knew saundered by. "Hey Virginia! Wasn't that a great thing Bill did for his buddy?" he said. She replied, in a miffed tone, that she did not know what he was referring to. "You don't know?! Everyone is talking about it. His best friend Jerry got married friday night, but he did not have enough money for a honeymoon. Bill loaned him his new car, so Jerry could take his bride away to Chicago for the weekend. Boy, what a guy." I can just imagine her thoughts and feelings. She tried not to let anything show upon her face. I bet she just felt horrible, and yet incrediblely touched by the romance of the story. That act of kindness, was when William started to sweep my mother off her feet. She must have had a beautiful smile upon her face, and a few tears in her fawn brown eyes.

She looked across the lawn, and gazed upon Bill, then like a moth to the flame, she closed the distance between them. She joined in the merriment, and my father smiled at her, not knowing what had just transpired. They spent the rest of the afternoon together.

Now you know what happened to the car. But what exactly transpired between the time my father teased his blind date on friday afternoon and picked her up on saturday afternoon?!?! Tune in next time for:"Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam". Just like the serials my father loved to go to as a child on saturday mornings.

History 101: Serials were a film series, one installment shown at a time. In the good old days, when you went to see a picture show-it was a real show. There were trailers, cartoons, and the serial before the star attraction. The serials were westerns, scif-fi, and melodramas. Each ended with a cliffhanger-leaving you not knowing what to expect next time,thus making sure you would come back again.


Blogger Chaotic Serenity said...

Nothing could make me stop coming back, well except for a computer meltdown. LOL I just love these stories!

11:14 PM  
Blogger Dostoy said...

I can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the good work.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Dostoy said...

Noran, Theo and I tried to send you an email using the address given on your personal profile, but it came back! Please write us so we can have your email address and then resend our email. (May 1)


5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw your name on my blog under comments and see that you have been to Ellen's blog so thought I would stop by and wave my hand. Great pictures and really good stories. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'll be back.

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool place you have here :)

2:54 PM  

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